

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 5 here we come!!!

So many changes I can't count later.......

I cannot believe tomorrow we will be starting week 5 of school, only 31 more to go.
We have had schedule changes, major clean outs and reorganizing, and many many tears on my part.

As I was crying this weekend in frustration as this weekend was spent preparing for yet another change in our school years plan I kept praying and asking God, what is it I am doing wrong? I was ready to quit it all and just hide myself in a hole. Now mind you I am not a newbie at this. This is my 9th year of homeschooling. I have plans to go all 13 years with all 5 kids, but I leave every year up to the Lord and how he directs. I knew this wanting to quit wasn't a direction from him but just my emotions running away with me.

This evenings message at church said it all. Quit fighting my flesh, and feed my spirit. Take my focus off of those around me and put it back on Jesus. Read, read, read my bible!

Yep I had been caught up in the opposite of all those things. I am such an all or nothing personality that when our pastor challenges us to read our bibles for an hour every day if I can't do the hour, I usually don't do it at all. I also easily get caught up in wondering what others are doing or thinking, and fighting the flesh can be such a huge focus I forget to feed my spirit until I realize I have nothing left to fight with.

So with that said, we are back to no assigned times for school, just a check off list of what needs to get done. We are having school in a freshly cleaned out garage. Tomorrow high on my list is to get some Olivia appropriate toys out there to keep her occupied while the rest of us work. I also have taken everything off the schedule for Monday - Wednesday so we have 3 strong school days with Thursdays their class day, and Fridays our Park and Field trip days and finish up school work days. In October Piano and Base will move to Thursday afternoons, so it really will be 3 Strong all school days!

I am going to bed reading a devotional, and waking up reading my bible and having time with him first.... even if that means waking to an alarm clock. :-)


  1. Love it...praying for you.

    I set an alarm on my phone to pray for you everday at 10:00 AM, Lyle at 3:00 PM. I will probably add people as the month goes along....looking forward to seeing why God had me do this!! Great things ahead, the best is yet to come!!

  2. And hear I think I am the only one that is a basket case these days. :0)

    Praying for you friend. :0)

  3. Thank you Kathy! I also set alarms on my phone to do off during the day to pray for others and ministries. I had been doing it faithfully for almost a year and one day I got discouraged and deleted them all.... So sad when I let satan win. I am going to set them all back up today. :-)

    Elizabeth - Never feel alone. Most of the women you admire (I hope you admire me, I know I admire you) usually struggle with the same things you do... taking on too much.... learning to reprioritize..... feeling as if you cant possibly get it all done.... etc.

  4. Janet, I always admire how you are able to share your weaknesses so openly. It is something that I am drawing example from, J. And, I love reading about your ideas. I too have been HS for so long, you would think I have it figure out, but the Lord is constantly refining me/us in that area.

    Kathy, I love that idea!!

  5. I'm so impressed that you already have 5 weeks of school done. I'm still missing a few books that haven't come in the mail yet LOL! I hope the garage school thing works as well for you as it has for us. I feel revolutionized! It's been awesome
