

Friday, June 3, 2011

A few thoughts as I finish out this school year....

Moms and Dads....

Especially to those who homeschool. Do you ever feel like you aren’t teaching your kids enough.... like you are somehow failing your kids and their futures. Let me encourage you....

I just finished my 9th year of homeschooling and God continues to show me over and over just how important His word in my life and in my children's lives is.

I as a christian have decided in my heart that I believe the whole bible to be true. I believe every word and so it is to it that I look for wisdom in all areas of my life.

Our pastor at church (who is also my dad) encourages us to read our bibles an hour every day. Well if you do this you get through the bible a good 2-5 times a year. So since starting this I have ready many many times through the first 5 books of the bible and the whole bible, but especially in those first 5 books God continues to have these verses stand out to me. There are many of them, but I am just going to share a few.

Exodus 36:1 “The Lord has gifted Bezalel, Oholiab, and the other skilled craftsmen with wisdom and ability to perform any task involved in building the sanctuary. Let them construct and furnish the Tabernacle, just as the Lord has commanded.”

Deuteronomy 11:18-20 “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates,

What do these scriptures mean to me... Well the first, which is just one of many in the bible where God says this, is that God, the Lord is going to skill people for his Work.

The second verses in Deut. also in other places in the bible talk of how God tells parents commit yourself to God’s words (the bible) and teach them to your children. Talk about them, use them in your disciplining and raising of your kids, post them in your houses, listen to them in your cars etc. Have it be so much a part of who you are that it just comes out in all you do.

Wait... does that mean I am not the one who has to worry about if I am teaching my kids enough math, or english or failing in their schooling? Failing in setting up their future careers... Yep, thats right, it is God who is going to skill them for what work He wants them to do. I am to know the Word of God and teach the Word of God to them.

Here is another scripture that I want to end with...

Exodus 35:34 And the Lord has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach their skills to others.

Sometimes in the training of our children we think college college college... we need to get them into college.... well I think there can be another way.

We had a guest at church the other night and he briefly shared that statistics show that 80% of Christian kids who go into non christian colleges come out not believing in God.

I don’t know about you, but for me those are odds I don’t want to go up against....

I am praying for my kids that the right person who is skilled in an area that God knows my kids need for their future and at the right time to come along side them and teach them the skills that God is going to gift them with. Its called apprenticeship.

These are my thoughts, my insight to parenting my children... maybe they will encourage you, maybe they will make you angry or disagree with me... I am not concerned with that. Its what is right for my family and for me.

I get discouraged and want to quit all the time... but then if I was doing a bad thing and screwing them up, why would satan tell me such lies that I fail and am lousy at this, not organized enough, don't push them hard enough, not teaching them enough... his lies to me go on and on.... but I think to myself, why would he be telling me this if it were true??? He wouldn't he would leave me alone, he wouldn't care.... but he knows... He can't speak the truth the bible says, but it says he knows it when he sees it....