

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Do you really want an update???

I have been busy! So busy that I barely get to read my friends blogs, and I for sure don't have time to write one of my own...... What have I been doing, you ask... or maybe you didn't, but here goes.

The kids - I still home school, so that is a constant thing in my life that keeps me busy. Not too many field trips this year as most seem to only allow either just my older kids, or just my younger kids and that just doesn't work for me. We have participated in Grace Christian Schools class days and that has been fantastic. Only drawback is the cost, but so far God keeps providing so we will keep going. The kids really look forward to that day out of the house.
We have a once a month park day we attend with friends from church, and we have ended up at least 1 other time a month at the park with various friends. Its nice, simple and not a lot of work for me.

Rob - He has taught more this new year then he has in awhile... While I love his teaching, I am sad that means my dad is sick. He is super busy with work at the church, and he still helps me with everything I do... What would I do without him??? GO CRAZY!

Dixie and Sparky - Still the best dogs ever! I love them so much. They are learning to like other people, but they are so small that I think its just a self defense thing when they growl an foreign little hands trying to pick them up and squeeze them. If I was only 3 lbs I think I would do that too.....

Myself - Well no weight loss for me. I have been having some pretty major health stuff and am currently getting testing done to figure out the source of my problems. I fasted for a week and lost nothing.... its like fighting a losing battle to diet and the Dr.s agree that until my other stuff is fixed that nothing will work diet wise. So not that I am using this as an excuse to eat whatever, I am not exactly eating my best. We still eat 80% organic and try to cut out as much fast food and sugar as we can. We are very busy so sometimes all there is time for is McDonald's.... I taught again at the women's study. It was fun and scary all at the same time. I did a fake talk show, called Health Chat with Janet. That was a lot of fun interviewing Dr.s and others with personal testimonies of making healthy changes. We are going to continue it online with a weekly podcast. My church's retreat is coming up and I have been planning and shopping and meeting and deciding and putting it all together. I have some great help with it, so that makes it easier, but still the buck stops here and if it doesn't come off well its all on me.... I think its gonna be amazing though, God has been so good to bring all the women's ministry stuff together I am not worried I just keep praying!

Well that's all that's new that I can think of anyways.....


  1. Loved getting an update! Wyatt would be SO JEALOUS of David's jammies! (in the Christmas pic)

  2. I have been wondering how you were :-)I'm sorry you are having heath issues. It's so hard for mama to not feel well. I can't believe you are planning the entire women's retreat and speaking too. That's so awesome. All I've managed to do to at church lately is paint JP's his office, and hang his curtains, LOL. I wish I could do more. Your kids look so big, and that pic is from 3 months ago!!

  3. So nice you updated, J! You really are doing so much and I pray God give you rest in between and strength to continue. I have heard such great things about the womens study and I know, from experience, that the retreat will be awesome! Saying a prayer for you and the health stuff. I did walking and running for a month and didn't lose an ounce either...but, I am the first to admit that I am not watching what I eat, either, so that can be part of the problem. :0)

  4. I love your update! God has kept you so busy, but he is using you to do so much in the hearts and lives of others! ♥

  5. It was fun to check on your blog and see something new posted!!

  6. I forget that some of my friends have blogs, so today when I decided to check them out, it was nice to see a update on what has been going on with the Cobb family. Take care!
