Today I woke up to another hot day. So we turned on the AC. Well with the kids now doing school in the garage I was reminding them over and over as they went out into the garage to shut the door. I must say that a dozen times a day if not more. Everyone was a little crabby today. I had gone to an early breakfast with Abby and had come home with Jambas for everyone, but still everyone was cranky. We are letting a friend borrow our car, so Rob who had stayed with the kids while Abby and I went shopping (that's a whole other blog) left, but not without first asking... "You sure you won't need the car today" "Yep I am sure" Well it probably wasn't even 30 minutes later I was calling him with a yelping dog and a plea to please come home and take us to the vets.
Yep thats right. Stephan was cranky, I asked him to please shut the door, and he did without looking and our little puppy who had recently learned how to go in and out of the garage got squashed. The sound of her yelp was horrible, I came running from the bedroom to Stephan balling about how sorry he was. I scooped her up and at first thought it was her shoulder. I sent a few request for prayer texts and by the time Rob had gotten home I realized she was seriously injured. You couldn't touch her paw without her yelping and she being so little didn't know how to limp so any attempt at walking she would just topple over an continue yelping.
So $550 dollars later she has been sedated, given antibiotics and casted. She can't be alone at all for at least the next 2 weeks. She will need to be sedated again when they remove the cast.
She had a puncture wound where he nail was almost ripped off and her little bone was broken. Once they shaved her little paw you could clearly see the purple and the swelling.
I feel like the worst pet owner ever.... and yet the Dr.s office assured us accidents happen. I had even read articles about how little sized dogs were so fragile you had to be super careful and I would never let the little kids be alone with her..... well now I realize we all need to be more careful. If you read this, please pray for her healing, and of course extra provision to cover the bills.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this! Praying for your littlest family member! :0(