

Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Week....

Look at that girl! Right smack in the middle of my school table. Smashed crackers on the table, tears, she was frustrated.... She just didn't understand how every day when she wakes up she has everyone catering to her every moment and now.... well no one was available. Everyone was busy with school. She is the number one reason our schedule changes next week...

I am not sure what to do with her.... I will admit I had as many tears this week as her, if not more!

Oh and do you all like that I can post pictures now???


  1. I LOVE that you can post pictures! What a doll, even with tears and smushed crackers!

    I am looking forward to hearing how you changed your schedule and how it is working for you. Isabella has her days, but her tea set and Zack have become lifesaver's for me the past few weeks. She is kind of started to get over how we aren't all attending to her every need all moring, now, but come lunch time, she gets us all back on track. lol

    Said a prayer for you all this moring, J!
    Love ya!

  2. Loving the picture! Praying for you...and for her. :0)

  3. Oh poor baby! Homeschooling with toddlers is so so hard. I was thanking the Lord for Mason's naps last year. We got so much done during naptime. For this year I turned my garage into our school room and bought a bunch of new toys for Mason. He now has a great play space right near us, where he can paint, and play playdoh etc... All while we do school. I hope it helps!

  4. I would love to do that to my garage.... A total make over!!! Dreaming of it right now. We would never be behind on laundry because I could do it right then. The toys could all be out there... think of the clean house I would have... Ok wake up Janet.
    Thanks for the comments and the support. This week isn't much better. On to plan C
