

Monday, August 30, 2010

schedule change

7:15 wake, get dressed, take medicines
7:30 bible and prayer time
8:15 wake kids / start workout
9:00 start school
11:00 circle time
11:30 bible time
12:00 lunch
12:30 history/science
1:30 piano
2:00 oliva's nap / free time
4:00 whole house tidy

That is the new schedule.... Not as time specific as the last one. This is my schedule not the kids. Theirs is.....
8:30 wake and get ready for school
9:00 School
12:00 Lunch
12:30 more school
2:30 School Over, Chore time, then free time.

I took away the 30 minute time slots for them as it was frustrating them to change subjects before they were ready. So they basically have a start and a stop time and that's it. They do have a general list as to what needs to get done in a day so we will see if that helps.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Week....

Look at that girl! Right smack in the middle of my school table. Smashed crackers on the table, tears, she was frustrated.... She just didn't understand how every day when she wakes up she has everyone catering to her every moment and now.... well no one was available. Everyone was busy with school. She is the number one reason our schedule changes next week...

I am not sure what to do with her.... I will admit I had as many tears this week as her, if not more!

Oh and do you all like that I can post pictures now???

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 2....

Dun dun dun......

Ahhhhh I can foresee my future! I am pretty sure by the end of week 1 of school I will have completely changed our schedule. My neat, pretty little schedule I typed up, gridded out, LAMINATED!!!!! Yes the schedule is going to be changed. At least Rob said to me in the midst of his groveling yesterday (that's what he called it, I told him not to grovel) But he said to me "I will laminate anything you want as many times as you need!" That is like heaven to me. Not only am I a list lady, but my new fascination with laminating has me wanting everything laminated.

My daily schedule was.....
8- Wake: Short Devo and Prayer, Get Dressed and Ready for Day
8:30 - Wake Kids, Have Breakfast, Brush Littles Teeth.
9:00 School Starts Kids have their own schedule, they have 30 minutes allotted for each subject, anything left over is considered homework and they have to complete on their own time. I have circle time with the little kids.
9:30 Take Dirty Clothes out and sort, begin laundry, take in 1 load and put away.
10:00 Bible Time
10:30 Mom back to laundry beast and kids back on school time
11:00 Work on Chores Kids continue with school
12:00 Lunch!
12:30 MW History TTH Science
1:30 PE
2:00 Olivia Nap,Work on Ministry, computer stuff, Laundry, more chores.
4:00 Snack Time
4:30 House Tidy, Laundry, Each kid takes 20 minutes with littles and 40 minutes to work on their chores.
5:30 Dad home, Dinner Prep, Schedule over until bedtime
9:30 Bathe Littles, Brush Littles Teeth, Everyone Prep for Bed
10:00 Kids in Bed, tucked in, Tidy House, Time with Rob
11:00 Read Bible, Pray,
12:00 Bedtime! (Lord Willing)

Oh and this is just the M-TH Schedule, things change on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays... When is my Sabbath....

The new one.... well we will see by the end of this week, because so far, Laundry is not getting done. Chores??? What are those? Ministry stuff??? Just barely. The kids are doing great with their schoolwork, the big problem is the littles. David isn't up at 9, so circle time gets delayed. Olivia wants to be in the middle of everything so I need to schedule my time with her, and then just cram and get everything done during her nap.....

Keep you posted..... Rob, get ready to laminate :-)

Monday, August 16, 2010

"I Quit!"

I went to bed at 3AM. I woke at 5 with a baby, and at 7 with my neighbors dogs yapping in my window. Literally they sit on their side of the fence, 3 feet away from my open window and yap.... why? Because my cats sit outside my window waiting for me to wake up and let them in. Now they don't meow until they hear my voice that I am awake, but it irritates the dogs that they are so close and yet can't get to them. My cats know full well that the dogs can't get to them, so they just smugly sit there and cause a commotion.... FUN!
So 8AM rolls around and my husband sweetly rubs my shoulder to wake up and asks me if I want some coffee. I grumpily say "I Quit!" roll over and say "I can't do it, I am too tired, I have no calendar (long story) and I can't do it." He tosses the covers over me and says "Whatever!" and walks out of the room. I pull the covers over my head, I start to cry and then stubbornly decide to stay in bed. Rob gets up and proceeds to do what he does best, the right thing. He always does the right thing (yes sometimes it is irritating, just being honest). He gets the kids up, starts them on breakfast, makes a bottle, etc. etc. etc......
I send him a text because with 5 listening ears and a roommate it is the only way for private conversation at times. Plus Rob tends to hear only the first thing I say and miss the rest so reading it helps him, and he is way better in communicating back through writing then through speaking where he tends to just be silent. I say to him.... "Whatever???" "Oh great that supports me, rant rant rant... nag nag nag.... LOL, yeah, not retyping it, because it wasn't pretty the first time." Yet somehow through my complaints he read the heart of the issue. I was completely overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated because my main thing I use for ministry, school, outlet and the majority of keeping it all organized was down., and he was partially to blame.
I get up, and start to get ready to have circle time with David, who is extremely excited. Rob quietly comes up and asks if he can have 5 minutes. Mind you he has stayed late to go into work to continue getting the kids started on school and all the right things....
How can I resist.... He pulls me into the room and sits me on his lap. He says he is sorry that he wasn't more sensitive, sorry that he let me down on this computer issue, sorry for the other things I had complained to him about. Very humble.... I said I was sorry for the way I responded. Sorry for the way I complained. I looked at him and said in 15 years, all the times I have said "I Quit!" Have I ever? I looked at him, making my brown eyes be as puppy dog as they can be..... he says "No, but every time you do, it scares the hell out of me, that one of these days you will!" I couldn't help but laugh.

Not sure why I am sharing this, other then, I hope you can relate. God lead me to the verse...Jeremiah 31:3 "The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness I have drawn thee." Rob certainly drew me with loving kindness, and God certainly has been all day with helping me through a very stressful day.