Tears blur my eyes.
My body and soul are withering away. Psalm 31:9
Sounds a little dramatic doesn't it? Yet I could have said those very words myself today. What happened you wonder? Did my love one die, had my kids been hurt, did I just get my house foreclosed? No nothing that serious, just a hard day in mommy hood......
I woke 30 minutes after my alarm. Yep a late start never helps anyone. The 2 youngest kids who usually sleep through bible time with the older kids and dad, woke up. Olivia was screaming at David, David was screaming at Olivia, and they both were screaming at me (now I am not a screamer, so it upsets me easily). My daughter Abigail announced both by a grumpy face and by her voice that she didn't get enough sleep and she was in a bad mood. (Is that what I sound and look like?) Stephan worked really well, which is a big change from our rough year last year. I guess the incentive of drivers training in the summer after this grade is working. Robert and Abigail began to mess around and I had to repeat over and over to them, to stay focused...... Everybody wanted cereal for breakfast and of course there was no milk. I still haven't figured out how to get my grocery shopping done in the midst of this new school year and everything else I am doing. I said to Robert and Abigail "watch the littles and I will get some...." As I walk out to the car in my flip flops, capri style workout pants and an oversized shirt, I realize my hair isn't brushed and neither is my teeth... Did I wash the makeup off my face or was it smeared under my eye? As I was thinking about this, I realized my husband who had just left for work was still in the driveway in his car. He took one look at me, rolled down his window and said "Is milk all you need?" I nodded my head. He said "go back inside" I must look horrible I thought... Well either way I guess I should be grateful I am not going to the store.
I went back in, my coffee was now cold, the kids moods and fighting hadn't improved any despite my spanking, time outs and various other disciplines.... Nothing was working!
Fast forward a few hours, not much had changed with the kids, and now something at the office needed my immediate attention, and so we have to quickly dress and grab all school left to do and load into the car. That was it.... I was tired, my jeans I put on were too tight, I was losing my voice, and my head hurt among many other things.
I called my husband to tell him I quit. Not really, but yeah in this moment I feel like it. The thing I love about the Psalms, is that I can relate. Those highs of God is amazing, he is all I ever need and want.... to I have soaked my bed with my tears, everyone is against me......
Just another day in my life.... Praise God tomorrow is a new day. Rob is my rock and blessing from Jesus that always comforts me and keeps me sane.
Janet Cobb
- Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires.